Ashley Ciuffo ( Google Review)
Dr. Zhang is such a fantastic doctor! I was having chest pains for about five months nonstop, and my primary care doctor did say I had a heart murmur, but nothing was done about it. Dr. Zhang was able to identify and help me heal in less than three weeks with our sessions. I was also having lower chronic abdominal and pelvic pain for about a year and a half. She was able to help me manage my pain with that too. I highly recommend giving this place a chance to feel better with whatever pain you are struggling with.

W C (Google Review )
Dr Zhang knows how to treat mystery and chronic illness where no other have been able to help me. She made my severe PCOS symptoms, migraines, and depression vanish in 2 treatments (that's one week!!), I stopped feeling like a zombie and now I am able to function well at work. I had been dealing with these issues for 7 months and no one seemed able to help, traditional doctors and even naturist just told me to stop eating gluten, dairy, etc. and pretty much only eat vegetables and salad, which does help but it's not a cure for those of us with severe symptoms. Now at 4 weeks of treatment with Dr Zhang, the progress is much better than I anticipated, I was able to get off synthetic hormones. I went to her as a last resort out of desperation but from now on, she will be my first choice of treatment instead of wasting hard earned $ on traditional doctors. Her work is simply amazing and I am sooo glad I found her.

Update: acupuncture under Dr Zhang, for ~a year has also helped me reduce the dosage of thyroid medicine from 100mcg to 20mcg

Shelli Mcfadden   (Google Review)
Dr Zhang is amazing, I started coming to her because ever since I underwent radiation therapy I have been having issues with my colon/stomach and it’s been over 10 years now and I have seen GI Dr after GI doctor with no real relief from the pain and bowel blocks that had become far to common, so I decided to give acupuncture therapy a try and that was the best decision I have made in coming to her, she is knowledgeable and listens to your issues and targets her therapy around them. I am grateful to have found her and have been pain free, eating and sleeping better since coming to her. She comes highly recommended in my book. Thanks Dr Zhang for helping me achieve a better quality of life.

Barry shaub   (Google Review)
Dr. Zhang is truly amazing! I injured my left knee during a construction accident. Following the accident I had severe pain in my knee and numbness in my foot. I had knee surgery but the pain and numbness continued. It was difficult to even walk. This went on for almost a year. The doctors I saw said nothing more could be done. Well after just a few treatments from Dr. Zhang I am so happy to say that the pain in my knee is gone and the numbness in my foot is completely gone as well. Just fantastic!! I am able to hike again and play all kinds of sports with the grandkids as well. Last week I was able to do two hikes one 16 mile and then an 18 mile hike in the mountains over steep terrain. I had no knee pain during or after the the hikes. I have also been playing a lot of basketball with my grandson and have been pain free. Truly remarkable!!! Dr. Zhang has also helped me with my anxiety. Since seeing Dr. Zhang my anxiety has been significantly reduced and I feel so much better. Dr. Zhang is very warm, patient and understanding. I am so thankful for everything she has done for me. Dr. Zhang is just the best!!

Madeline Hogue (Google Review)
Dr Zhang and her practice has been a tremendous contribution to my wellbeing. I was doing very poorly physically when I sought her out (March of 2021). Something, possibly covid, had triggered what I’m guessing was an auto-immune response and it was affecting my whole body. I had extreme malaise, chronic migraines, sensitivity to light and sound, buzzing and pain in my ears and sinuses, achey body, inability to digest/absorb foods/nutrients, nausea, skin problems, and more. Going into my initial consultation, I will was in a lot of pain, feeling all of the symptoms listed above. After a thorough examination, Dr. Zhang explained her diagnosis from a Chinese medicine perspective. The immense relief I received from that first treatment is something I will never forget. I felt my nausea and pain melt away, energy flowing in places that had felt so blocked. Getting up from that table, my limbs felt so light, almost as if I was walking on the moon!

I was not “fixed” in that first treatment. But I started down the path back to wellness. The path is not straight, there are curve balls that arise. And I always trust Dr Zhang’s ability to read my symptoms and body and guide it towards its natural healing ability. She is truly, so knowledgeable. But if feels to me, her expertise reaches beyond intellect - it seems she was truly destined for this work!

And by the way, I have more energy and freedom with my body these days than I’ve had, probably in my whole life! I owe much of this to my regular visits to Dr. Zhang.

I am very grateful for Dr. Zhang and highly recommend her to anyone - especially those who may have issues with Western medicine misdiagnosis’/ inability to diagnose.

Service  for Phoenix, Tempe, Chandler, Gilbert, Mesa , and Scottsdale area

Ofelia Cruz  (Google Review)
I have been coming here for 2 months and I feel amazing, acupuncture with Dr Zhang is the best and I highly recommend her services


Trinh Khuu  (Google Review)
My son and I tried acupunture for the first time with Dr. Zhang. My son(hes 9)has had stomach problems for a very long time with constipation, pain, and vomiting. After taking him to his pediatrician and emergency room with no explanation for his condition just giving him miralax, pain meds and zofran; I decided to try a different route. At first I was looking for an herbalist because Ive had herbs before and it worked so I figured Id give it to him to see if it would help him but Dr. Zhang recommended acupunture so we decided to give it a try. So far it has help him and he actually likes it. She is also treating me for my sleep issues, anxiety and sinus problems. Ive never felt better. I have so much energy and feel very relaxed and my mood is alot better probably because Ive been able to sleep without taking sleeping meds. Ive been telling all of my family and friend's about her and would recommend her to any one. Im very happy that I found her, she makes you feel very comfortable and does not pressure you into buying or trying anything.

Kate Reeder Reeder  (Google Review)
I cant say enough good things about Dr Zhang!! I came to her for help with infertility. We had been trying to conceive for over 2 years, history of miscarriage, failed rounds of IVF. I saw Dr Zhang twice a week for about a month and got pregnant naturally. We were shocked. My fertility Dr had been pushing donor eggs & said we had a less than 5% chance of getting pregnant naturally. I know it's b/c of Dr Zhang's acupuncture that we finally had success. I continued to see Dr Zhang for weekly sessions through my 1st trimester and have had a perfectly healthy pregnancy. The sessions are so relaxing I usually fall asleep, lol. Dr Zhang is amazing. If you're looking for fertility acupuncture I highly recommend!!


A Google User  (Google Review)
Dr. Zhang likes science, and makes the time to write articles in professional health magazines. First, she is a Chinese medical doctor. Next, she has a PhD from Vanderbilt in Immunology which allows her to apply her research knowledge to solve practical and complex problems.
Regarding my care, she is the consummate doctor who continually reviews my labs to see what progress remains. She discusses freely her opinions for my overall health consideration only with never any demands for medication changes or elimination. Looking at her reviews, she is highly effective in her treatment to others. For me, I have truly benefited for kidney disease improvement under her care.

Phoenix Rising Psychic Mediumship  (Google Review)
Amazing place of healing. I’ve already referred 3 other people all having the same wonderful experience. If you have never tried acupuncture this is the place for you. If you’re a seasoned pro acupuncture patient this is the place for you. Calm safe serine. No pressure to buy lots of appointments vitamins or hawking of products. Just healing as nature intended. It’s rare to find a Dr who strives to heal so you can live life verses most who contain and bleed you dry. 100% a 5 star 🌟 experience

Phyllis Doulaveris  (Google Review)
Dr Zhang has been treating my husband for knee pain and carpal tunnel. She is through, attentive, and uses a holistic approach to determine the root cause of the issue. She treats immediate symptoms plus the root cause. She is pleasant and accommodating. He is doing much better thanks to her treatment. His pain is significantly better and his mobility improved. Highly recommend!

Giovana Aviles  (Google Review)
Dr. Zhang began seeing me at the peak of my illness. I have ulcerative colitis that became so severe I had to visit the ER. While there I unfortunately contracted a stomach virus which symptoms made me loose 30lbs in three weeks. I was incredibly ill and even a bit hopeless due to the consequences of the virus and illness. My throat was shut from all the vomiting and for two weeks I had on going phlegms that made it almost impossible to do anything, including sleep. I wasn’t eating and my esophagus was so damaged I wasn’t sure how I was going to recover. I visited specialists, doctors and after FOUR visits to the ER no one could tell me what was going on or what to do. Thankfully my brother suggested acupuncture and recommended I see Dr. Zhang. For the past three months I have been seeing her twice a week and I can honestly say I am back to normal! didn’t take any other medication except the herbs that were given to me by the Dr. I truly owe her my LIFE! She took the best care of me and restored my health. My family has developed trust and faith in her and are now seeing Dr. Zhang for other various reasons. I am forever grateful and will continue seeing Dr. Zhang in the future and continue recommending her to others! Highly, highly recommended!

Chris Brennan Google Review)
I was fortunate to find Dr. Zhang after injuring my shoulder in a fall in August 2022. I am impressed with Dr. Zhang's depth of knowledge and experience, and also her pleasant and encouraging manner. Her skillful use of acupuncture enabled my shoulder to heal more quickly, and I'm now able to do just about anything I could do before the accident. The shoulder continues to get better every day. I highly recommend Dr. Zhang.